Tuesday, December 14, 2004

20 March 2004 (Saturday): Good morning, good morning. It is a usual Saturday morning with nothing planned: I go buy the weekend newspapers in the morning and potter around.

In the afternoon, I head over to Azmei and Sarah’s house to try and repair their computer again. I thought I had it licked last week but within days, Sarah was moaning about it playing up again. I get there, and indeed it is screwed up again, it is barely open to log into. I manage that though and mess around with the settings in Winconfig. I also run Panda again but this time it does not come across any viruses etc. The task is long winded and means a lot of time sitting around waiting for the computer to do things. I stare vacantly out of Sarah’s bedroom window while also making small talk. This is a pretty surreal environment, wow this is not the bedroom of a 28 year old woman, it’s not a decent child’s bedroom. And it is hyper tidy with no actual belongings, I can’t imagine anyone having ever seen any action in this room or on this bed.

Four hours later, I throw in the towel on the computer as the family settles down to a kebab dinner (I guess my invite was lost in the post, ho ho).

Bemused, I go home to another Saturday night at home living life in the fast lane.


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